Pricing Tables

4 Columns Pricing tables example:


[row] [col class="span3"]
  • Weekender
  • € 299

  • 2 nights
  • Friday/ Saturday nights
  • 2 x Breakfast
  • 2 x Dinner
  • Free Shuttle
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]
[/col] [col class="span3"] [/col] [col class="span3"]
  • Explorer
  • € 699

  • 9 nights
  • Friday/ Saturday nights
  • 9 x Breakfast
  • 9 x Dinner
  • Free: Shuttle / Coffee
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]
[/col] [col class="span3"]
  • Pathfinder
  • € 999

  • 15 nights
  • Whole Event Package
  • 3 meals a day
  • Free Massage
  • Free: Shuttle / Coffee
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]


3 Columns Pricing tables example:


[row] [col class="span4"]
  • Weekender
  • € 299

  • 2 nights
  • Friday/ Saturday nights
  • 2 x Breakfast
  • 2 x Dinner
  • Free Shuttle
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]
[/col] [col class="span4"] [/col] [col class="span4"]
  • Explorer
  • € 699

  • 9 nights
  • Friday/ Saturday nights
  • 9 x Breakfast
  • 9 x Dinner
  • Free: Shuttle / Coffee
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]
[/col] [/row]


2 Columns Pricing tables example:


[row] [col class="span6"]
  • Weekender
  • € 299

  • 2 nights
  • Friday/ Saturday nights
  • 2 x Breakfast
  • 2 x Dinner
  • Free Shuttle
  • [button type="default" size="large" link="#"]Order Now[/button]
[/col] [col class="span6"] [/col][/row]


O'qilgan: 3398 bora O'zgartirish kiritilgan san'a 27 Aug 2019

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